
Monaco to Malta then Puglia Italy Leg 9

Matera, off to Viesta, with a quick stop in San Marco in Lamis

Above, Cave dwellings, Matera is one of the oldest continuously
inhabited cities in the world.

The monastery at San Marco in Lamis dates from at least 1008 and is part of the ancient pilgrim path that crosses the Gargano peninsula going through San Marco. Pilgrims in the Middle Ages (and today) pass through here to reach the grotto of San Michele Arcangelo, (30 km from San Marco, we hope to visit on our return to Bari), along the 'Via Sacra Langobardorum'.
San Marco from monastery



 The trabucco is an old fishing machine typical of the coast of Gargano,
where they are protected as historical monuments. Only 7 remain in this area.

 Grotto of San Michele Arcangelo

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