
Poland: Gdansk

Starting and ending in Gdansk, we drove 2492 miles in 57  days with 4 rent-a-cars

Gdansk, on the Baltic Sea, was our first and last stop of our eight week adventure. After 5 weeks we stopped in Krakow and picked up Mark's Brother and Sister who joined us for the last three weeks. 

Gadansk steeped in history was also  the 1939 flash point of World War II, and then in 1980, the birthplace of the Solidarnosc labor movement, ushering the end of Communist domination in Eastern Europe. Gdansk’s Old Town, painstakingly reconstructed to its Hanseatic League glory after being leveled in WWII, is a highlight

Neptune Fountain, a 17th-century symbol of the city topped by a bronze statue of the sea god.

Mark's Brother and Sister; & Hoppy


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